Free Dry Fire Daily Habit Tracker

I meant to get this out by the first of the year, but 2023 snuck up on me, honestly—too many things to get done and not enough time. I’m sure you can relate.

Anyways, here’s a free daily dry fire habit tracker for you to print out or use on your tablet.

I’m a big believer in the power of habit and tracking it. I’ve made my most significant changes, added important skills, and seen the most growth from consistency.

There is immense power in doing something small, often.

Now, will I dry fire every single day this year? No. Even if I wanted to, I have to factor in things like travel (depending on where I’m going), emergencies, and life in general.

But I can still set a goal, track it, and be fueled by my progress.

And so can you.

If you’re on IG, I’d love to see you post your progress with the hashtag #casualdryfire when you get started!


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