One Way To Feel Safer

If you’ve followed me for a bit, you probably expect me to say that concealed carrying a firearm is the one thing every woman can do to feel safe.

And while that’s top on my list, I know that’s not something everyone will do.

So, aside from CC, what’s the one thing every woman can do to feel safer?

Listen to your intuition.

Don’t oversimplify what I’m saying.

When I say listen to your intuition, I mean LISTEN TO YOUR DAMN INTUITION AND TRUST IT.

I feel, as women, we’re conditioned to ignore what our gut tells us. We’re taught to be polite at all costs. Don’t rock the boat. Don’t make someone feel bad. Why are you making such a big deal?!

If your body and mind are sending off even the slightest of warning signals, there’s a reason.

I’ve read countless stories of women who’ve survived an attack and realized afterward that their intuition was sounding an alarm, and they didn’t listen.

If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t.

It may take some time to trust your gut if you’ve been ignoring it for years, and that’s ok. Just start today. Be more aware when you’re out and about. What are you noticing? And how does it make you feel?

Trust those feelings and act accordingly to protect your safety. You’re worth it.


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